Changing lives One Card and One Gift at a Time

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Write It Down and Make It Plain

Goal Setting 

Your plan for achieving these goals should be focused on what you want to achieve during a certain time period, it should help you organize your thoughts, setting goals creates a timeline for milestones, and helps you see a clear plan for where you are at and get you where you want to be.

CHANGE isn't CHANGE until you CHANGE 

Where do we start? 

We can talk all day on the importance of setting goals but the only way goals will be effective is to get going on activating those strategies to accomplish those goals. I find it best to brainstorm first on a blank piece of paper. Allow yourself to jot down anything that comes to mind. Be free with your thought process so that you uncover everything that could be included to help you achieve those goals. Some of us like lists so create one if you’re the neat-and-tidy type. Whatever your approach is, make sure you write it all down. Break It Down Writing your goals down incrementally with short term plans that take steps toward larger things you want to achieve. Start with the end result you’d like to achieve and work your way through to the beginning of how you’ll take steps toward this goal. Ask yourself these questions as you go from end to beginning: 

  • What do you need to do within that month to realize the goal? 
  • What do you need to do within that week to move closer to your monthly goal? 
  • What can you do today? 

Don’t wait until things happen to you, go out and make them happen for you! 

You can create more structure for your goals by adding in a timeline that includes a yearly milestone like, “where do you see yourself and your business in 1 year, 3 years, or 5 years?” Once you’re happy with the organization of your goals, post them in a place or places that you frequent like your bathroom mirror or above your desk. There was a time when I traveled a lot in my car so I had mini timeline posted on the dashboard with a couple of affirmations taped to the visor. This helped me stay focused and mindful of what I needed to accomplish during the time I spent going from meeting to meeting. If you have a timeline that is set up for weekly milestones, make sure you are actively checking your progress and write down what worked and what didn't work. The more data you accumulate the better you’ll get at achieving those goals as well as accomplish those goals in a shorter amount of time.

Shake The Dust 

However you break those goals down and track your progress remember to never give up. The journey may be long but it can be more joyful if you take in all the journey has to offer. The word FEAR is really an acronym that means: False, Evidence, Appearing, Real. What may seem to appear as real may not be. You can stumble and fall flat on your face but it doesn't mean you should give up. If you have it in you to stand up and dust yourself off, you have it in you to achieve whatever goals you set out to achieve.... I DARE YOU! 

Onward and Upward!


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